CORPORATE ORAZ M&A, Compliance, Prawo konkurencji i antymonopolowe, NIERUCHOMOŚCI, PRAWO PRACY, LIFE SCIENCES & PHARMA, Technologie informacyjne i komunikacja, Media, advertising and entertainment, Umowy w obrocie godpodarczym
Angielski, Francuski, Rumuński

Bachelor of Laws, Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest;

Licence en droit, Collège Juridique Franco-Roumain d’Études Européennes, l’Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne – l’Université de Bucarest.

Romania: Epidemiological screening
Romania: Epidemiological screening
Romania: Epidemiological screening
Romania: Epidemiological screening
Romania: Epidemiological screening
Romania: Epidemiological screening
Romania: Epidemiological screening
Romania: Epidemiological screening
Romania: Epidemiological screening
Romania: Epidemiological screening
Romania: Significant steps for the reduction of business environment bureaucracy
Romania: Significant steps for the reduction of business environment bureaucracy
Romania: UBO declaration
Romania: UBO declaration
Romania: Electronic Archiving
Romania: Electronic Archiving
Romania: Epidemiological screening
Romania: Epidemiological screening